The National Diversity Veteran Small Business Programs, Powered by ePS.
Our NDVSB programs leverage our all-inclusive, one size does not fit all, eMarketplace that aligns Veteran, Diversity, and Small Business products and service Suppliers with the Private and Public sector Buying Organizations.
Our mission is to build stronger diverse small businesses through technology that automates and streamlines business processes, providing increased revenue opportunities and scalability to compete within large Private Enterprise and Public Sector accounts.
Message from NDVSB CEO:
It has been far too long that our small business partners are second or third in line for new business opportunities. Now more than ever our small business partners need to have the technology and the networking to grow their businesses.
“Whatever you do, do it with all your might”
Our Mission:
The NDVSB Program brings business opportunities for our certified small business partners in both the private sector and public sector markets. In conjunction with our parent company ePS, we provide the much-needed technology for our small business partners (SBP’s) to be competitive and aligned with the ever-changing requirements of the private sector and public sector purchasing departments.

Our Goal:
Our goal at ePS and NDVSB is to make all our small business partners preferred suppliers for National Corporations and the Federal government.
NDVSB Private Sector Program
Private Sector
ePS- NDVSB has been working with hundreds of large corporations for over 16 years and aligning our small business partners with new opportunities and providing revenue growth. We know what is needed to meet all the requirements these purchasing departments have in order to gain new business and become a preferred supplier. There are multiple scenarios that our small business partners have to align to, so they are at the top of any purchasing departments list. Our small business partners can meet any purchasing and financial processes and any integrations needs from buying organizations. It all starts with technology. Through our NMSDC National Corporate Member status, we work with over 1500 corporations to help them meet their diversity spend goals.

Quotes from Corporate Members

NDVSB Federal Program
Federal Sector
We know how difficult it is to try and do business with the federal government. Our path for our small business partners is to start with the Federal Governments P-card purchases which account for tens of billions of dollars. Our SBP’s do not need to be on a GSA schedule or need to submit bids for new business. New business for our SBP’s comes through the AAFES / NDVSB eMarketplace. The first federal agency under the AAFES / NDVSB eMarketplace is the DOD. Specifically, the Air Force and Army installations across the USA start their use of the AAFES / NDVSB eMarketplace in Q1 2022. We start with targeting over $3B in GPC spend and move that spend to our SBP’s. From there we align our SBPs with BPA opportunities, to Purchase order opportunities, BPA’s and then Contracts.
The AAFES / NDVSB eMarketplace is available to all Federal Agencies. We will continue our work in 2022 with other Federal agencies via the Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).

Air Force ‘First Look’ Program Drives Purchasing Power
These are massive e-commerce engines that will help create that tipping point, Hogan said. “We want to do business with the local small businesses,” he said. “Things like this and the industry days are vital to breaking down some of those barriers and complexities in doing business with the Air Force.” Major Gen. Cameron Holt, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics said, the First Look Program is going to put a giant magnifying glass over the local communities. “We are going to reverse the trend of disconnecting ourselves from small businesses and our communities,” he said during the workshop. “You, as GPC holders, are going to change the reality that we have gotten to, and you are going to rejoin our communities. You are going to lead that charge.”

NDVSB News and Events

ePS National Diversity Veteran Small Business eMarketplace launches a new Supplier Diversity eMarketplace with Greylock Federal Credit Union
January 7, 2022
ePS National Diversity Veteran Small Business (ePS-NDVSB) announced today the launch of a private, stand-alone, Supplier Diversity eMarketplace for Greylock Federal Credit Union, located in Western Massachusetts. As a Corporate Member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), Greylock is focused on increasing supplier relationships with minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, and local small businesses. This eMarketplace is the avenue to increase those relationships, which enables these small business suppliers to grow, while supporting Greylock’s supplier diversity and local initiatives.
“This eMarketplace will help Greylock achieve its goal of diversifying its vendor pool,” said Greylock Federal Credit Union SVP, Chief Risk Officer Jeff Gerard. “Greater support of these businesses will help our whole community to thrive.”
Welcome to the NDVSB / NMSDC eMarketplace.
January 7, 2022
An innovative partnership with ePS, harnessing the power of technology to help Veteran, Diversity and Small Businesses grow. The NMSDC eMarketplace technology will assist corporate members with an inclusive procurement strategy that will widen the potential supplier pool while promoting competition in the supply base. The NMSDC eMarketplace is NOT your typical eMarketplace where one size fits all. The technology behind the eMarketplace enables Veteran, Diversity and Small Businesses to grow and supports NMSDC Corporate Members reach their supplier diversity goals with NMSDC-certified Veteran, Diversity and Small Businesses.
ePS-NDVSB Program Update: Private Sector and Federal Program
January 7, 2022
This highly informative and successful webinar provided important updates on the ePS-NDVSB Program. From the Private Sector side, we discussed the target audience (private enterprise) participation and provided answers to critical questions. On the Federal Program side, we discussed the Air Force First Look program including strategy and timeline for rollout. We invite you to watch the recorded webinar and contact us so we can answer any questions you may have.
The NDVSB Programs are Supported by Our Partners

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