ePS Punchout
Customized Web-Based Catalog and Shopping Experience Designed to Integrate Directly Into Any 3rd Party eProcurement Platform.

Why are customers asking for punchout catalogs?
Many organizations are including punchout catalogs as a requirement in request for proposals and other bid opportunities. ePS Punchout has you covered! These organizations may also require suppliers to receive electronic purchase orders and send electronic invoices back to the eProcurement platform! ePS eConnect has you covered! If you are unable to meet these requirements, you are at risk of losing the business and the organization will award the bid to a supplier that can offer this type of technology. Don’t worry – ePS has you covered!
ePS Punchout makes it possible for a customer to access a supplier’s web-based catalog from their own eProcurement Platform. Each customer sees their own unique product assortment and contracted pricing, along with a dashboard that can be customized to the customer’s needs.
No limit to number of ePS Punchout Catalogs!
No limit to the number of products within the ePS Punchout Catalogs!
ePS Punchout Features
- Custom Dashboard Designs that can be branded to your company and your customer
- Unlimited number of products visible within the punchout
- Additional levels for filtering
- Additional options for sorting
- Comparison feature
- User Favorite Carts
- Quote functionality
- Ability to add another punchout within ePS Punchout
- Much more!
How does it work
- The customer logs into their eProcurement platform (Coupa, Jaggaer, Ariba, BuyerQuest, etc) and “punches out” to your product catalog
- The customer shops products by: typing in a keyword search, selecting a product category, choosing items from a favorite cart
- The customer finalizes their shopping cart, which is passed back to their eProcurement platform
- The customer submits their requisition within their eProcurement platform, which flows through their organization’s internal approval processes
- Approved requisitions generate a purchase order out of the eProcurement platform and is sent to you for Fulfillment